We will be holding a Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 10:30 am Sunday Masses on the first three Sundays of the month. We are in need of volunteers to lead this program on a rotating basis. The leaders will bring the children to the hall at the beginning of Mass and return them to the church after the homily. Children will learn about the weekly readings in age-appropriate language.
Children between the ages of 3-10 are invited to participate; younger children may also participate along with an older sibling or parent.
All materials will be provided, as well as training. The more leader volunteers we have, the fewer times they will need to lead - the thought is to create a rotating calendar with the group of volunteers. Leaders could be parents, grandparents, other adults or teens/youth.
Please consider joining this very rewarding ministry. This is another way that we as a parish family can minister to our youngest members and to our parent population. Please contact Cindy Bryan via the parish office or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..